
Gasq, Paul

Paul Gasq (1860-1944)

Gasq studied at the Dijon School of Fine Art and at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris. He won the first Prix de Rome in 1890 and won a Grand Prix at the Exposition Universelle in 1900.
His subjects were often on a classical or allegorical theme and memorable works exhibited at the Salon from 1880 include Hero et Leandre, Orphee (1894) and La Gloire (1898). He also executed the sculpture 'Summer and Winter' for Whiteleys department store in Bayswater, London.
Diane by Paul Gasq (1860-1944)

Bronze bust of the goddess Dianna on a marble base

Diane c. 1900    
Signed: Gasq    Height: 29 cm

Our ref 1518

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